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Is your child more intense, explosive, challenging, confusing and sensitive?

If your answer is yes to any of the above, then this FREE summit is for you February 26th - March 3rd.

29 of the Jewish world’s top parenting voices for hashkafa, tailored techniques and proven methods to support your complex child.

These precious kids can take a lot out of us, and that’s why the right kind of advice and support can be a TOTAL gamechanger.

parenting support courses

You’ll want to join The Parenting Complex Kids summit if your child...

  • is more anxious than other children

  • is the source of endless power struggles

  • seems to be in constant conflict with siblings

  • leaves you E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D on a regular basis

  • seems intellectually older than their age but emotionally immature

  • is complex, with the minute you figuring out one issue, there’s another

  • has an ADHD, SPD, ODD, ASD diagnosis or any other alphabet soup label

  • can be a great, calm, happy, awesome kid one minute and the next minute..... BOOM!

Your kid is a sweet, sensitive, beautiful neshama and you want to see more of that.
This FREE summit is here to show you how.

Sign up for Free

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But why is parenting this child so hard?

Some kids have brain-based differences and the classic "rewards + consequences + consistency = behavior change" model is just not enough. 

Often as parents we try these approaches and blame ourselves for not being consistent enough. Sometimes it feels like no one really gets our kids and the complex dynamics we parent through. But there’s so much more to it. 

Get new perspectives, information from professionals who work with complex kids day in and day out and practical techniques that help you see your child in a new light. 

It is possible to have a happy family WITH your child's complexity.
Join the top experts in the Jewish world, people who really get it, as they provide unique perspective, hope and practical parenting tools. 

This summit was created to help you support your child's strengths, struggles and uniqueness. 

Because a supported, informed mommy is an empowered mommy.

Put the joy back in parenting.


Hashkafa, Chizzuk and Hope

This child is Just. So. Hard. Hard to figure out, hard to connect to, hard to discipline!
We’re dedicating day one of this summit to putting Hashem in the picture. This is hard AND there are mindsets we can internalize that make a HUGE difference.


Neurodiversity and Diagnoses

Every human on planet earth has a differently wired brain. 
Some wiring makes it easier to navigate this world; some makes it harder. Day two pulls back the curtain on different brain types and the often unidentified struggles that come with them.


Personal Experiences and Family Dynamics

 Sometimes it can be hard to have compassion for your child, when their behavior is just so intense. Today is a day dedicated to hearing real life accounts from differently wired adults.


OK, So Now What? 
Interventions That Wor

“Just tell me what to DO and I’ll do it!” Sound familiar?
Today we dive into tailored interventions that actually work for complex kids growing up in the Jewish world.


Doable Parenting Tools and Techniques

"Can we talk super-practical day in and day out parenting?"

Yes! Today is a day where super-dedicated, real moms and parent coaches share the real tools that work in their real (and complex) homes.


(Available through Friday and Motzei Shabbos)

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Hi, I’m Ilyssa

And I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m a mom of five, passionate about helping parents connect to their most complex children. 

After training as a clinical psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara and studying developmental psychology at Stanford University I thought I was super-prepared to be a mommy. But really, my kids taught me more than academia ever could have.

My personal journey as a parent has given me deep compassion for parents raising difficult kids. I know what it feels like to raise a child that popular parenting books are just not written for.

But I promise you, there are so many tools and so much hope out there.

That’s why I created this summit.

I can’t wait for you to immerse yourself in the wisdom, information and tools of the Jewish world’s top parenting voices.

See you there?

FREE this February 26th - March 3rd.

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